Except for my mother who read challenging fiction well into her 90s, I come from a family of non-readers. It’s not that they can’t read but they have yet to read my novel. Until they discharge that debt, I can’t elevate my opinion of their literacy.
On the positive side of the ledger, becoming an author has borne the unexpected reward of introducing me to actual readers-- writers, reviewers, book marketers, Facebook reading groups, and aficionados of historical fiction.
And it’s not just any ol’ list of stories. Have a look at what my fellow fictionistas have found worth recommending.
On the positive side of the ledger, becoming an author has borne the unexpected reward of introducing me to actual readers-- writers, reviewers, book marketers, Facebook reading groups, and aficionados of historical fiction.
And it’s not just any ol’ list of stories. Have a look at what my fellow fictionistas have found worth recommending.
“Frontline” by Dr Hilary Jones about stretcher bearers during World War I. Wow. I found the Jewish Historical Book Lovers Group on Facebook. I had to hunt a bit to locate the Historical Novel Society. The fact they said ridiculously nice things about “The Uniform” didn’t hurt my opinion of them.
During their summer conference, they introduced me to Jonathan Putnam and his wonderful “Lincoln and Speed” mystery series about Honest Abe’s pre-presidential practice of law in Springfield, Illinois. A cool read.
These are not just stories. They’re passions.
In news about my book, I'm happy to point out that it (see picture at left) has become a semifinalist for Publishers Weekly's Book Life Prize. Fingers crossed. There is now a hardcover version available on Amazon. Before long, expect an audiobook to whisper sweet literary references at you.
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Your buddy in bookdom.
--G. Gruen