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It explodes when you turn the page.

Dear Friends,

More than a hundred of you have responded to something I wrote to become quasi-monthly recipients of this newsletter. Most of my posts have revolved around the publication of my novel, “The Uniform” or to reviews of the book. I’m happy to say the opinions of professional reviewers have been stupefyingly positive for this first-time author. (See the Historical Novel Society, The Prairies Book Review, and Readers Favorite.) You can read them on The Uniform website, or email me for a copy.

Let me add that hearing from you has been thoroughly gratifying as well. So, feel free to reply whenever you get the urge. The tough part of this fiction-writing business has been getting the word out about the book. I’ve had to call upon my experience in advertising to push this thing. I even came up with a pretty good headline to tout the thriller aspects of the story: “It explodes when you turn the page.” I’m patting myself on the back for that one. Feel free to disagree.

Can I ask for a favor? The book’s success depends largely upon Amazon and its sales algorithm. That’s a fancy way of saying I need a few of you to post your honest opinions about “The Uniform” on Amazon’s book pages. That way, when readers search their site for psychological thrillers, historical fiction or holocaust thrillers, Amazon will be persuaded to show them my book.

Your honest review will make you into what’s known in the business as an Advanced Review Copy reader. If you buy the book for just 50 cents, you’ll be a ‘verified reader.’ That price goes into effect on July 1st. I want readers and reviews more than income. Presumably, more reviews will draw more readers. Whaddya say? Are you in? Contact me at

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